

The new gardener

I have begun to garden. It is after 2 AM and I am wide awake, thinking—and now writing—about my garden.

I am fascinated by my new garden. It is an inherited plot at the community garden, and my plot and those surrounding it are fascinating to me. Keep reading…

A Map of the Introvert’s Heart

This “Map of the Introvert’s Heart” from a new book by Gemma Correll made me laugh (via Cup of Jo).

National Handwriting Day

go write a letter

Bust out a good pen and write something down.

Elephant Appreciation Day

Indian elephants, image via WWF

I almost missed it, but yesterday, September 22, was Elephant Appreciation Day. I just made a donation to the Big Life Foundation. Here is a round-up of some other charities that support these amazing animals: Keep reading…